IHiscox Company's Cybersecurity Report
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However, it is evident that cyberattacks are becoming an increasingly common and frequent threat worldwide, affecting companies of all sizes and sectors. According to the 2020 Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, 43% of global phishing attacks were directed at small businesses. Additionally, according to the Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2020, 47% of small businesses surveyed in the US, UK, and Europe had experienced at least one cyberattack in the past year.
One in four small and medium-sized enterprises plans to increase their investment in cybersecurity in the coming years.
A cyberattack is a malicious attempt to access, damage, steal or destroy information or computer systems through networks or devices connected to the Internet. Cyberattacks can be carried out by individuals or groups with different objectives, such as obtaining confidential information, extorting money, disrupting system operations, spreading computer viruses, among others.
Cyberattacks can cause significant financial, reputational, and data losses for affected companies and individuals. It is important to take preventive measures to protect against cyberattacks, such as using antivirus software, keeping systems up to date, and using secure and different passwords for each account.
If a company suffers a cyberattack, it is important to take immediate measures to minimize damage and prevent future attacks.
las empresas deben tomar medidas preventivas para protegerse contra los ciberataques y estar preparadas para actuar rápidamente si sufren un ataque. Los ciberataques son una amenaza cada vez más frecuente y generalizada, por lo que es crucial tomar medidas para protegerse contra ellos.
Although there is no comprehensive record of cyberattacks on companies, it is known that they are becoming increasingly common and affect companies of all sizes and sectors. Cyberattacks can cause financial, reputational, and data losses. It is important to take preventive measures and act quickly in case of an attack, such as isolating the affected system, collecting relevant information, notifying relevant authorities, restoring systems, and reviewing existing security measures. In addition, it is recommended to notify affected individuals if necessary.
IHiscox Company's Cybersecurity Report
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Más información:
Asesoría en Finanzas corporativas
Valoración de empresas y marcas.
To learn more about the standard and its implementation:
ISO/IEC 27032 standard, guidelines for cybersecurity. | mail a:
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