Educación financiera

Methodologies for financial analysis of the company

To make decisions or apply corporate finance methodologies, conducting financial analysis of a company is a crucial activity that should be carried out first.

Growing and generating profitability are common goals of all companies and shared desires of their shareholders. However, achieving sustained growth is a task that is only within the reach of very few companies. Each company is unique, and its situation and context are variable, but they always seek growth and value creation for their shareholders. Superior profitability to that of our competitors is the key to growth.

Financial analysis is a crucial tool for business decision-making. Essentially, financial analysis involves examining a company's financial statements and other financial data to evaluate its financial performance and financial strength. The following are some of the key aspects of financial analysis that may be useful for decision-making.

  • Financial ratios: Financial ratios are measures used to assess a company's financial health. These ratios are calculated using financial data such as the balance sheet and income statement. Financial ratios can help identify problem areas and opportunities for improvement. Some of the most common financial ratios are liquidity ratio, leverage ratio, profit margin, and return on investment.
  • Horizontal and vertical analysis: Horizontal analysis involves comparing a company's financial data over time, while vertical analysis involves comparing a company's financial data with that of other companies in the same sector or industry. Horizontal and vertical analysis can help identify trends and patterns in a company's financial performance and can be useful for decision-making.
  • Risk analysis: Risk analysis involves identifying the financial risks facing a company and developing strategies to mitigate those risks. Risk analysis may include assessing a company's financial strength, analyzing market trends, and analyzing macroeconomic conditions. Risk analysis can help decision-makers make informed decisions and reduce financial risks.
  • Cash flow analysis: Cash flow analysis involves evaluating a company's incoming and outgoing cash flows. Cash flow analysis can help identify liquidity problems and develop strategies to improve cash flow. Cash flow analysis can be especially important for small businesses, which often have liquidity problems.

Financial analysis is an essential methodology in corporate finance that allows us to know the reality of the company and provide differential value in decision-making. Through analysis, we can evaluate the current situation of the company, identify its potential, and evaluate its capacity to achieve business objectives. In this way, we can plan strategies to drive sustained growth of the company and maximize return for shareholders.

There are several methodologies of financial analysis that can help understand the financial situation of a company. Some of the main ones are:

  • Vertical and horizontal analysis: allows for comparing a company's figures over time (horizontal analysis) and in relation to its cost and expense structure (vertical analysis).
  • Financial ratios: are used to analyze the relationships between different financial figures, for example, the relationship between the level of debt and the profitability of the company.
  • Cash flow analysis: evaluates a company's ability to generate cash and manage it effectively.
  • Profitability analysis: measures a company's ability to generate profits in relation to the resources invested.
  • Solvency analysis: evaluates a company's ability to meet its long-term financial obligations.

Each of these financial analysis methodologies can provide valuable information about the financial situation of a company and help make strategic decisions. It is important to choose the appropriate methodology for analysis according to the specific objectives and situation of the company.

In summary, financial analysis is an important tool for business decision-making. Financial analysis can help identify problematic areas and opportunities for improvement, identify trends and patterns in financial performance, evaluate financial risks, and improve cash flow. Decision-makers can use financial analysis to make informed decisions and reduce financial risks.


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Jesús María Pérez de Vega

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