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Online Corporate Finance Services

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are corporate finance?2023-02-21T23:04:29+00:00
    Corporate finance is a field of study within a company that analyzes decision-making regarding its financial situation. The goal of corporate finance is to increase the value and sustainability of the company..

    Corporate finance is a branch of finance that focuses on the financial management of companies and organizations. In general terms, it refers to how companies obtain and use financial resources to achieve their business and financial objectives.

    Corporate finance covers a wide range of financial activities, such as financial planning, risk management, investment evaluation, working capital management, capital structure, issuance of stocks and bonds, mergers and acquisitions management, and dividend distribution. All of these activities are important to ensure the financial strength and long-term success of a company.

    In summary, corporate finance deals with the financial decisions that companies must make, with the aim of maximizing value for their shareholders and ensuring their survival and growth in the long term.

    What tools do we have in corporate finance?2023-02-21T23:01:28+00:00
    Corporate finance tools: We are often asked, "What is the most important thing in a company?" and even in all business schools, the discussion centers around "What are the keys to a company's success?" The answer is very simple, there is no magic formula or miraculous key that guarantees a company's success.

    The most important tools we have for managing a company are the proper use of information and its allocation for decision making. Information and decisions are the keys to managing a company. Applying suitable and current methodologies to obtain indicators that clarify the path to achieve objectives.

    In corporate finance, there are various tools that can be used for investment decisions, financing, and risk management. Below are some of the most common tools:

    • Financial analysis: Financial analysis is a fundamental tool in corporate finance that allows for the evaluation of a company's financial health. Through techniques such as financial statement analysis, important indicators of solvency, liquidity, and profitability can be obtained.
    • Business valuation: Business valuation is a tool used to determine the value of a company. This can be done using different methods, such as discounted cash flow, earnings multiples, adjusted book value, among others.
    • Risk analysis: Risk analysis is a tool that allows for the evaluation of risks associated with an investment or financial activity. Various techniques can be used to identify and quantify risks, such as sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, among others.
    • Risk management: Risk management is a set of techniques and tools that allow for the reduction or mitigation of risks associated with a financial activity. Various strategies can be used, such as portfolio diversification, risk hedging, among others.
    • Financial planning: Financial planning is a tool that allows for the establishment of long-term financial objectives and the design of strategies to achieve them. Techniques such as cash flow projection, scenario analysis, among others can be used.
    • Investment analysis: Investment analysis is a tool that allows for the evaluation of the feasibility of an investment. Various techniques can be used, such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, among others.

    These are just some of the tools available in corporate finance. It is important to note that the proper use of these tools requires specific knowledge and skills, so it is recommended to seek the advice of a finance expert.

    What are the objectives of a company?2023-02-21T22:58:24+00:00
    The objectives of a company are determined by its shareholders. When analyzing the universe of large and small companies, we can find a myriad of objectives, such as:
    • • increasing sales
    • leading a certain sector
    • increasing profitability
    • Creating more jobs
    • Having social recognition, etc

    From our perspective as corporate finance advisors, the determination of objectives is fundamental, and almost all of them lead to a final situation, which is the creation of sustainable value for the shareholder.

    A company without objectives is a company that cannot go anywhere.

    Referring to the story of Alice in Wonderland, when the rabbit asked Lucy, "Where do you want to go?" and Alice said she didn't know, to which the rabbit replied, "If you don't know where you want to go, any path will do."

    Those who don't know where they want to go can end up anywhere.

    This advice to companies is always the same... Before any action, determine what your objectives are.


    Do corporate finance help the company?2023-02-21T22:54:45+00:00
    Regarding corporate finance, many shareholders and entrepreneurs consider management as a cost to the company and even part of the strategy is to decrease such cost to the minimum level.

    Corporate finance is essential for the success of a company, as it provides information and tools for proper financial management of the company.

    Corporate finance helps the company in several ways, including:

    1. Investment decision-making: Corporate finance helps the company make informed decisions about how to invest available financial resources. By evaluating investment projects and calculating net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), corporate finance can help the company determine if a project is viable and profitable.
    2. Risk management: Corporate finance also helps the company manage financial risks by identifying and assessing potential financial risks and developing strategies to mitigate them.
    3. Financing: Corporate finance also helps the company obtain financing for its projects and operations. By evaluating financing options and negotiating with lenders and shareholders, corporate finance can help the company obtain the capital it needs to grow and thrive.

    In summary, corporate finance is essential in helping the company make informed financial decisions and manage financial risks, which can improve the profitability and long-term success of the company.

    What are the advantages and benefits of Avacum online financial services?2023-02-21T22:44:17+00:00
    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the existing trend towards implementing a higher percentage of Avacum online financial services, or what we can determine as a mixed economy or digital transformation.

    In general, online financial services can be a convenient and cost-effective option for those looking to manage their finances efficiently and effectively. However, it is important to carefully research and compare options before choosing an online financial services provider. Undoubtedly, the market is moving towards this digital transformation, but now we can ask about its advantages or benefits.

    What are the advantages and benefits of Avacum online financial services?

    • The speed of service is one of the most important characteristics.
    • Greater efficiency in terms of work. Although online services require more planning, it ultimately translates into better work efficiency.
    • Reduced time and expenses for travel.
    • Regarding communication, online services do not necessarily compromise it. There are communication tools, such as video conferencing, that allow for high-quality communication.
    • Online services produce innovative effects, increasing productivity.

    Avacum offers online corporate finance services.

    Corporate Finance in Business

    Corporate finance is a pivotal aspect of business management that entails the efficient administration of financial resources to create long-term value for the company's shareholders.

    The primary objective of corporate finance is to maximize shareholder value through strategic investment decisions that generate superior returns.

    Corporate finance encompasses a wide array of activities, including financial planning, capital budgeting, investment analysis, risk management, and mergers and acquisitions.

    The finance team within a company bears the responsibility of analyzing the company's financial statements and providing recommendations to enhance financial performance.

    In addition to financial planning and analysis, corporate finance also encompasses the management of the company's capital structure, encompassing equity and debt financing. The finance team must ensure that the company possesses the necessary capital to finance its operations and growth while maintaining an optimal blend of debt and equity.

    Corporate finance also encompasses the management of the company's cash flow, which is vital for the company's survival and growth. The finance team must ensure that the company maintains sufficient cash reserves to cover operational expenses, invest in growth opportunities, and distribute dividends to shareholders.


    Si te interesara conocer más acerca los servicios de Banca de Inversión y consultoría en finanzas corporativas, podemos ayudarte. Contacta con nosotros en info@avacum.com y te resolveremos todas las dudas relacionadas con el capital de riesgo. Si eres un emprendedor, también te puede interesar conocer otras formas y fuentes de financiación privada de Startups.


    Páginas de interés: https://www.investing.com/ https://www.nyse.com/index | https://hbr.org/ | SEC | Harvard Business Review

    Finanzas corporativas en línea: https://avacum.com | Asesoramiento en finanzas corporativas https://pdv-a.com Para una mayor información: Info@pdv-a.com

    WhatsApp: +52.1.5525338703

    Sobre cursos de finanzas y contenidos: info@akademiun.com | https://akademiun.com

    Crowd Funding, finanzas corporativas,

    Corporate finance plays a crucial role in business management by providing the necessary financial analysis, planning, and management to assist companies in making informed decisions and achieving long-term success.

    Información de Contacto

    Mobile: +52.55.25338703

    Web: Grupo PDV-a


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