Collaborative Economy
CROWDFUNDING PDVa - A space to share projects and ideas.
Entrepreneurs and investment project promoters (who change our world).
Project and Business Plan:
- The project promoter must send their action plan and project to: (indicating crowdfunding pdva).
- If the entrepreneur or social promoter does not have a business plan, Crowd Funding PDVa will send them instructions for creating one.
- A community (collaborative economy) will evaluate the project.
- A promotion strategy will be sent to the candidates.
- The Crowd Funding PDVa platform will carry out the promotion to obtain financing.
- It will close when the established deadline and/or the financing has been achieved.
- Let's change the world!
Those interested in using the Crowdfunding PDVa platform
should send information or contact:
Sustainable finance,
a better world:
Crowdfunding PDVa aims to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and patrons to collaborate and finance projects and ideas that have two common characteristics:
- financial sustainability
- innovation
Collective financing (crowdfunding) is based on creating a spirit of collaborative economy.
We want a better world through better ideas.
CrowdFunding PDVa
Contact us
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