Valoración de PYMES basada en: El Ratio P/E
El Multiplicador de Ganancias (Ratio P/E): Una Herramienta Clave para
Collaborative Economy
Entrepreneurs and investment project promoters (who change our world).
Project and Business Plan:
Those interested in using the Crowdfunding PDVa platform
should send information or contact:
Crowdfunding PDVa aims to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and patrons to collaborate and finance projects and ideas that have two common characteristics:
Collective financing (crowdfunding) is based on creating a spirit of collaborative economy.
We want a better world through better ideas.
El Multiplicador de Ganancias (Ratio P/E): Una Herramienta Clave para
Valoración Basada en Activos: Una Herramienta Esencial para Determinar el
CDS (Credit Default Swap): Un enfoque práctico y profesional En