Collaborative Economy
CROWDFUNDING PDVa - A space to share projects and ideas.
Entrepreneurs and investment project promoters (who change our world).
Project and Business Plan:
- The project promoter must send their action plan and project to: (indicating crowdfunding pdva).
- If the entrepreneur or social promoter does not have a business plan, Crowd Funding PDVa will send them instructions for creating one.
- A community (collaborative economy) will evaluate the project.
- A promotion strategy will be sent to the candidates.
- The Crowd Funding PDVa platform will carry out the promotion to obtain financing.
- It will close when the established deadline and/or the financing has been achieved.
- Let's change the world!
Those interested in using the Crowdfunding PDVa platform
should send information or contact:
Sustainable finance,
a better world:
Crowdfunding PDVa aims to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and patrons to collaborate and finance projects and ideas that have two common characteristics:
- financial sustainability
- innovation
Collective financing (crowdfunding) is based on creating a spirit of collaborative economy.
We want a better world through better ideas.
CrowdFunding PDVa
Contact us
Etapas de crecimiento en una empresa
An entrepreneur faces the challenge of achieving sustainable growth in their business and reaching their target goals in a short period of time. This article shows the stages of growth in a company.
Los grandes y pequeños inversores al auxilio del BITCOIN
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Diferencias entre una inversión Value y una inversión Growth
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