Fusiones y adquisiciones (F&A), introducción al proceso.

El fenómeno de fusiones y adquisiciones (F&A) ha ganado importancia en el mundo empresarial, especialmente en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, con un

By |2023-08-07T22:14:39+00:00August, 2023|

Contamination of cryptocurrencies to financial markets

The recent collapse of one of the major cryptocurrency platforms has heightened the already volatile nature of cryptocurrencies and underscored the risks associated with investing in them without proper safeguards. This setback adds to the challenging period for cryptocurrencies, which have suffered significant losses in market value amounting to trillions of dollars. As such, investors must exercise caution and consider the risks carefully before investing in these assets.

By |2023-02-28T16:51:06+00:00February, 2023|

Economic outlook for Latin America

Latin America is experiencing a situation of slower economic growth and high inflation (Economic Outlook), which has led to social tensions in the region.

By |2023-03-01T20:57:35+00:00February, 2023|

Debt valuation

Valuation of External Debt of a country is a key indicator that summarizes the expectations of current and potential claim owners. It provides a useful guide for creditors, who can avoid the need to calculate the actual value of external debt.

By |2023-02-27T16:55:21+00:00February, 2023|

The 10 most valuable brands in the world in 2022

several companies have shown a business development and a strategy based on value creation, considerably increasing their profitability and thereby the value of their tangible and intangible assets (brands).

By |2023-02-23T19:49:00+00:00October, 2022|

Burbuja en los mercados, un dilema para los bancos centrales

Los bancos centrales, sobre todo el Banco Central Europeo BCE y la Reserva Federal FED se están encontrando con un dilema un callejón sin salida. La semana pasada ha subido los tipos, señal clara y precisa de que la inflación está tocando mella en la economía de muchos países, el mercado está descontando que al menos habrá cuartel subida de tipos por parte de la Reserva Federal FED.

By |2022-02-09T01:43:58+00:00February, 2022|

Finanzas personales en tiempos de crisis (Covid 19)

finanzas personales en tiempo de crisis

By |2022-04-19T22:17:38+00:00May, 2020|

Recomendaciones para PYMES y Empresas Familiares.

Directrices Esenciales para la Administración de PYMES y Empresas de Arraigo Familiar en Períodos de Crisis y coyunturas económicas adversas. Hemos estado trabajando en

By |2023-10-31T15:55:54+00:00April, 2020|

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