Anticipación y Expectación: Rumbo incierto en la Política Monetaria del BCE

Anticipación y Expectación: Rumbo incierto en la Política Monetaria del BCE y FED. La presidenta muestra prudencia y reconoce que los ciudadanos aún

By |2023-07-27T18:04:54+00:00July, 2023|

Por qué baja el precio del dólar, lecciones por aprender.

El precio del dólar ha sido una montaña rusa en los últimos tiempos. Sin embargo, "escuchar" al mercado es crucial para evitar que el ruido ambiental nos confunda.

By |2023-07-26T17:37:44+00:00July, 2023|

Prepare your budgets for the economic change.

Most budgets for the year 2023 were formulated in 2022, when the prevailing economic outlook was more bleak. However, we are now halfway through the year, and the signals are decidedly more encouraging. Do not let the mindset of the past prevent you from envisioning what is about to unfold.

By |2023-07-18T17:16:14+00:00May, 2023|

Finanzas personales: Que es el presupuesto y como mejorarlo

Gain an understanding of the concept of personal finance, its significance, and how you can cultivate sound financial habits. Explore the most effective financial tools to help you achieve your objectives.

By |2023-03-28T00:08:45+00:00March, 2023|

Methodologies for financial analysis of the company

Tools and Techniques for Effective Financial Analysis. Familiarize yourself with the necessary tools and techniques for conducting effective financial analysis in your company. Discover how to interpret financial statements and make projections to make informed decisions that drive business growth and profitability.

By |2023-03-08T23:27:55+00:00March, 2023|

Balance sheet-based valuation methods.

Métodos de valoración - técnicas para determinar el valor de una empresa o activo. Descubre los diferentes métodos de valoración utilizados para determinar el valor de una empresa o activo, incluyendo la valoración por descuento de flujos de caja, comparables de mercado y más.

By |2023-03-08T23:52:35+00:00March, 2023|

Contamination of cryptocurrencies to financial markets

The recent collapse of one of the major cryptocurrency platforms has heightened the already volatile nature of cryptocurrencies and underscored the risks associated with investing in them without proper safeguards. This setback adds to the challenging period for cryptocurrencies, which have suffered significant losses in market value amounting to trillions of dollars. As such, investors must exercise caution and consider the risks carefully before investing in these assets.

By |2023-02-28T16:51:06+00:00February, 2023|

Debt valuation

Valuation of External Debt of a country is a key indicator that summarizes the expectations of current and potential claim owners. It provides a useful guide for creditors, who can avoid the need to calculate the actual value of external debt.

By |2023-02-27T16:55:21+00:00February, 2023|

Secure Internet finances, avoid scams

The goal is to achieve security in our personal finances, in the face of cybercrime and the most common crimes found on the internet. Phishing, smishing, and vishing are some of the most frequent scams, involving obtaining our personal or banking information to impersonate our identity.

By |2023-03-15T18:35:21+00:00October, 2022|

Diferencias entre una inversión Value y una inversión Growth

Las inversiones en bolsa o mercados financieros se pueden clasificar de varias formas. Existen dos etiquetas como son “Inversiones Value” o “Inversiones Growth” que en estos tiempos cuando existe una sobre valoración de bolsa o burbuja especulativa para otros dicha clasificación recobra una importancia indudable.

By |2022-05-17T22:32:12+00:00May, 2022|

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